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作者:本站原创    发布时间:2017/7/18    阅读数:3749



july 15, 2017, hebei economic and trade delegation led by wang xiaodong, vice governor of hebei province, arrived in dubai after a successful visit to kazakhstan.


july 16, the delegation first came to the dubai free trade area authority to visit and communicate with them. dubai free trade area executive director- krista fox, director of business development- james bernard, senior manager of business development- bi lal ghazmar, director of the grand client- wei rong and others expressed their enthusiasm and warm welcome for the arrival of the delegation.


krista fox briefly introduced dmcc and the work they did to help chinese enterprises development from the free trade area. she said, dmcc made lots of changes in response to ‘the belt and road’ since last year, also received great harvest from the gratifying results. this includes: a coffee center built together by the yunnan nongken group and dmcc, so that yunnan's coffee can be sold to the rest of the world through the dubai; ningxia zhongwei city and dmcc signed a strategic agreement to help zhongwei enterprises to publish and lots of successful cases. she said that the dubai free trade area shows the greatest welcome to china, especially in hebei, more and more enterprises settled in the area, into dubai, into the middle east.


wang xiaodong, vice governor of hebei province, introduced the geographical advantages and key industries, including steel, glass, photovoltaic, agriculture, furniture, dairy products etc. he wishes to sign a cooperation contract with dmcc and hopes to set up a representative office in dmcc to help hebei enterprises to develop their businesses through the dmcc free zone to the middle east and the surrounding areas. iron and steel is hebei's advantages and its major industries, and dmcc as a commodity trade-oriented free area, there are many well-known iron and steel enterprises. he hopes  dmcc could be a bridge between the iron and steel enterprises of hebei and the companies of dmcc to make a better cooperation.


wang, vice governor, said hebei province in the future to build a free zone, hoping to learn more experiences from other free areas. krista said dmcc as the two consecutive years by the british financial times magazine as the best free area of the year, is willing to share and exchange their successful experience of free zones to hebei province. 


after the forum, the two parties have sent each other their individual local traditional souvenirs, and took a photo to mark the occasion.


after the dubai free trade area visit, vice governor wang xiaodong and his delegation have continued their journey to the dubai chinese building materials logistics site. china national building materials group import and export company deputy general manager, china building materials international trade co., ltd. and beijing yi single network technology limited liability company chairman, general manager zhang jinsong, yidan network vice president luo zhenli and their marketing director yu jingjing, uae company general manager fu tingtao accompanied the inspection.


in the logistics park, vice governor wang xiaodong has visited the office area, indoor warehouse, outdoor yard, the operation and management of the logistics park, and praised for the more and more enterprises cooperating with the logistic park, to open the middle east market more successful. he hopes that the logistic park would give full potential to the development and the advantages of all aspects of the platform, encouraging more domestic enterprises start their operation on a global scale, especially hebei enterprises, to provide a full range of platform services for support.


in the subsequent forum, zhang jinsong, general manager of the building materials, said the basic introduction of the international trade company, as well as the company and the hebei provincial department of commerce and hebei province, the good cooperation between enterprises to wang xiaodong, deputy governor. followed by an introduction by luo zhenli, vice president on the basic information of easy-to-net and dubai public overseas warehouses.

        王晓东副省长对河北省企业进驻迪拜海外仓的成功案例表示了极大的关切,并指出未来双方合作的巨大潜力,最后,他提出了下一步与中国建材继续加强合作的四个重点工作,第一,河北省政府要与中国建材集团签订战略合作协议,紧跟中国建材集团海外拓展脚步,创造央企海外平台带动地方政府“走出去”的新模式;第二,由商务厅组织河北省内具有经济特色、经济优势,且产品符合市场需要的县市的领导到迪拜物流园进行实地考察和交流,与当地企业进行对接;第三,加大国内培训,将易单网“跨境电商 海外仓”的模式更加广泛地介绍给河北的企业,为他们“走出去”提供帮助;第四,研究针对中国建材公共海外仓的补贴方案,支持海外基地的建设。

vice governor wang xiaodong expressed great concern about the success stories of hebei enterprises entering the overseas warehouse in dubai and pointed out there is great potential of future cooperation. finally, he put forward the four key things of continuing cooperation with chinese building materials. first, the hebei provincial government should sign a strategic cooperation agreement with chinese building materials and followed china building materials group overseas expansion footsteps to create the central enterprises overseas platform with the local government ‘going out’ of the new strategy. second, visit, communicated with local enterprises dubai logistics park for economic characteristics, economic advantages and can meet the market which is organized by department of commerce in hebei province. third, increase domestic training, will be easy to single ‘cross-border electricity providers and overseas warehouse’ strategic introduced to the hebei enterprises more widely, to provide help for ‘go out’. fourth, analyze subsidy scheme for chinese building material of the public overseas to support the construction of overseas bases.


after the meeting, wang xiaodong, vice governor and general managerjinsongzhang witnessed signing ceremony of ‘public overseas warehouse strategic cooperation agreement’ of the hebei provincial department of commerce and chinese building materials international trade co., ltd. as well as signing ceremony of ‘strategy cooperation agreement’  of chinese building materials united arab emirates company and hebei fortune logistics development co., ltd. 


july 16, vice governor wang xiaodong came to visit the uae gold honeycomb incubator and medium business at the dubai economic building and held symposium with dubai representatives of hebei enterprises and hebei overseas chinese.


the symposium was chaired by the delegation and the deputy director of the hebei provincial department of commerce pei shixin.


dubai chinese consulate general, deputy consul general ma xuliangon behalf of dubai chinese consulate general to expressed his welcome and support to vice president wang xiaodong.he introduced the local situation in dubai and introduced the hebei delegation on the opportunities brought by dubai six major real economic industries in the future. he said that dubai's future aviation, airport industry, ship, coastal industry; biomedical industry, equipment manufacturing industry, food economy and so on will bring broad cooperation opportunities and far-reaching prospects for development to hebei. in particular, he pointed out that recently is the best relationship between china and uae and also the best chance to transform and upgrade of dubai industrial cross with hebei industrial structure adjustment. hope hebei enterprises can be efficient and pragmatic, take the opportunities, as soon as possible into dubai, into the middle east by ‘belt and road’.

        座谈会上, 阿联酋河北商会会长、阿联酋金蜂巢孵化器创始人、河北迈伦家具有限公司总经理王立良、中石油管道局阿联酋公司总经理史明义、中铁十八局阿联酋分公司总经理高金平、中东网络电视台台长曲小兵、沧州维新抽纱服装有限公司董事长赵金环等河北籍代表先后发言,从不同角度分别介绍了各自企业的发展状况与存在的问题。大家纷纷表示愿意发挥自身的优势,积极帮助家乡河北扩大开放,带领更多的河北企业走出来。同时,也希望家乡的有关部门和机构对出口型企业给予更多的支持和帮助。

at the symposium, president of uae hebei chamber of commerce,the founder of uae gold honeycomb incubator and medium business, general manager of hebei mailun furniture co., ltd. wang liliang, general manager of china petroleum pipeline bureau united arab emirates co., ltd. shi mingyi, general manager of china railway 18th bureau uae branch gao jinping, the middle east network television station director qu xiaobing, the chairman of hebei cangzhou clothing co., ltd. zhao jinhuan and other representatives have gave a speech. they introduced their respective business development and problems from different angles respectively. everyone have expressed willing to expand the hometown of hebei, lead more hebei enterprises and hebei culture to going out. at the same time, also hope that the relevant departments and institutions of hebei export-oriented enterprises can give more support and help.


after listening to the details of the situation, vice governor wang xiaodong gave an important speech. he is on behalf of the hebei provincial party committee, the provincial government to express cordial condolences and lofty dedication to hebei compatriots.


the vice governor mr. wang said that the current history of hebei province is the best development opportunities, the support and concern from central committee of hebei more excited the cadres and the masses of the whole people ,worked hard, seize the opportunity to strive to achieve a large opening, big development and big span plan. he hopes middle east hebei enterprises can be firm confidence, speed up innovation, did a better, bigger and stronger job. at the same time, he also welcomes enterprises in dubai to strengthen interaction and communication with large enterprises in the province, strengthen communication and cooperation, complement each other, and share resources, thus accelerating the pace of international expansion and improving the ability to fight risks.


finally, vice governor mr. wangalso mentioned that hebei is the land of yanzhao, since ancient times more generous people in the narrow sense, hope hebei entrepreneurs adhere to integrity, improve quality, do high quality products, excellent service and glory for the motherland.


after the symposium, vice governor wang xiaodong also took pictures with everyone.


the president of hebei province ccpit lihong zhang, deputy director of foreign affairs office pei shixin, hebei province economic information center director wang jihua, hebei provincial government office director suojianjie, provincial development and reform commission director li jian shu, province foreign affairs researcher ji hong, deputy director of the provincial development and reform commission, wang ligang,deputy director of the provincial foreign affairs office, huang wei, director of the provincial trade promotion council, li xiaobin, director of the provincial department of commerce, wang lei, deputy director of the provincial office and other accompanying business representatives and representatives of chinese-funded enterprises participated in the inspection activities and seminars.


after a successful dubai trip on july 17, the delegation will continue to visit africa.
